氣動軟密封蝶閥是指關閉件(閥瓣或蝶板)為圓盤,圍繞閥軸旋轉來達到開啟與關閉的一種閥,在管道上主要起切斷和節流用。 主要由蝶閥和配套氣動執行器(GT/AT/AW系列)組成,具有結構簡單、體積小、重量輕、材料耗用省,安裝尺寸小,開關迅速、90°往復回轉, 驅動力矩小等特點,用于截斷、接通、調節管路中的介質,具有良好的流體控制特性和關閉密封性能。
1、Standard, product name, model, nominal diameter.
2、Medium, temperature and pressure range.
3、Are there any accessories, delivery time, special requirements, etc. so that we can choose the right type for you.
二、If the design unit has selected the valve model of our company, please order directly with our sales center according to the valve parameters.A、According to the special requirements of customers, technical exchange, design and manufacture of products.
B、Provide pre-sale technical questions for customers to help customers rationalize selection.
C、Provide new, special and difficult engineering production technology consultation or draw up suitable production plan
2、Sale ServiceA、Keep the contract and deliver on time.
B、Keep in touch with customers in time to solve problems.
3、After-sales ServiceA、Assist customers in drafting construction cases
B、Regular return visit usage
C、During the warranty period, free repair / replacement of quality problems
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